One of the awesome items in my Influenster Bride-to-Be VoxBox was RESCUE Remedy Natural Stress Relief Gum and I've really enjoyed it. I was more than a little skeptical about how well it would actually work but I'm very impressed. It's got a mildly citrus flavor. My only complaint is that the taste doesn't last long enough but it's delicious.
As far as the stress relief goes, it works. I've always enjoyed chewing gum and it's neat having gum that specifically helps with stress, which, let's face it, future brides have so much of. All I have to do to feel calmer is chew one piece and I almost immediately start feeling better. It's helped me deal with being chased by a dog, wedding planning, and dealing with the family and fiance.
Find out more at RESCUE Remedy's website. You can find this safe and all-natural gum (and other forms such as spray, drops, and pastilles) Whole Foods, GNC, and wherever else you find your natural health products.
Hi There!!!! Isn't Influenster great!!! I received the Beauty Blogger box. Your reviews are great :-) I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award!!